Five Ball of Magick

Five Ball of Magick

Perhaps most famous in the field of molded plastic divinatory tools is the ubiquitous Magic Eight Ball, with its familiar answers to Yes/No questions (within three generations, in fact, those answers will be yet another tchotchke in the attic trunk of racial memory -- even today, answering a question with ``Signs Say No'' will resonate familiarity with most of the world's English-speaking population). They sit on desks, they dangle from keychains and they litter the web in alarming abundance. (You would think that people, when hitting upon an idea as obvious as a web-based Magic Eight Ball, would stop and say ``Hey, that's a really obvious idea -- I wonder if anyone else has done it already?'' You would be mistaken.)
      Pope Icky and m'self find the Eight Ball's answers to be, not to put too fine a point on it, damned boring. So, with the help of Goddess (as aided and abetted by the considerable graphical artistry of the aforementioned Pope Icky), we set out to create a similar divinatory implement, useful for answering those niggling Yes/No questions, but without the stilted monotone of Ye Olde Classic.
      So, without further prologue, we invite you to clear your mind, focus on a Yes/No question of importance (or not) to your immediate (or not) situation, and consult the Five Ball of Magick.