What's Really Old?
Aftermath 47, 3163
- Last week, I was contacted by Drew Mendelson, the Senior Communictions
Specialist of the California State Employees Association, which a few of
you might immediately associate with the sordid
CSEA Affair. As it turns out, I had indicted
the wrong CSEA -- the Goode Chaplin
IM False was actually receiving religious persecution from the
California School Employees Association. Someone brought this to
Mr. Mendelson's attention, and rather than threatening me with all manner and
variety of slander lawsuits, he politely informed me that I had the wrong
Fenderson. The two organizations, he assured me, are unconnected except by
their initials and the interests that employee unions would normally
have in common. He was wrong, of course -- the two CSEA's are likewise
linked by the Holey and Immutable Ties of Confusion, as
Eris is wont to use to tangle organizations. In any
event, I've made the textual change -- the contact information, I believe, is
still accurate.
Aftermath 1, 3163
Bureaucracy 71, 3163
Bureaucracy 60, 3163
- I would make the ``yeah, yeah, `Wow, look who showed up to do
something.''' joke, but I made that one already a full Season ago. And
let's face it -- I ain't done shit for awhile, so I deserve all the jeering
I get. Nevertheless, I have made some minor modifications to both the
main drag and the
Oriental Trading
Company page. Y'see, a very wise and civil (read ``complimentary'')
gentleman by the name of Chad Mardesen contacted me. M'man Chad, you see,
is the website coordinator for the OTC and has gotten some mail from irate
Church groups (which comes as a surprise to everybody, I'm sure) and
teachers (I weep for our children) demanding that he remove the ``foul
language'' from the OTC page on HyperDiscordia. They, of course, didn't
identify it as such -- despite the dead giveaways (things like a link
to the OTC page, repeated references to the OTC as ``they'' and
``them'' and the fact that the URL says ``hyperdiscordia'' in it where the
Oriental Trading Company pages are on www.oriental.com), they thought that
poor Chad was administering my OTC page. So, Chad contacted me and asked
that I make some changes, and I said that I would come up with something.
Now, I was ready to make a few concessions when
Pope Icky Fundament, PZK, he of the
Big Wrinklies (he had a little hoe-down with a Toy Company Who Shall Not Be
Named, for their Name was spoken unto him by their Lawyer, who insisted that
the Name and the Profane Deal with the Name be kept Secret, lest they Sue the
aforementioned big wrinklies right off our good Pope; suffice it to say that
they took high umbrage with his use of a trademark of theirs -- take a look
at his Apple
Corps game and see how many guesses it takes you to (1) get the name of
the slandered game and (2) find out who makes said game), grew Sore Abraded
and said that I should leave my page just as it is. So I did, and forgot the
whole incident for Many Moons.
Just today, I was contacted by yet another person
from the revered halls of the OTC (Betty Camenzind, Senior Marketing Manager),
who was somewhat less complimentary and
a wee bit more strident about the steps I should take. She was not at all
rude and didn't once say anything about ``lawyer'' or ``sue your
wrinklies off.'' However, she did defend the assertion that pronouns
like ``they'' and ``their'' were not sufficient to indicate to their users
that I ain't them. She also said that my claim to be ``Unofficial
Spokesperson'' for the OTC was misleading, despite the fact that the
phrase clearly
indicates that I support and vindicate them in an unofficial capacity (when
using a sufficiently old dictionary and getting down to some double-digit
definitions; whatever the case, that's what I meant). So, in order
to split the difference between being obliging and being mocking, I chose to
be obliging in a mildly mocking manner. Whatever the case, I think I've
made it very, very clear that I ain't them.
Discord 67, 3163
- Yeah, yeah, ``Wow, look who showed up to do something.'' Very original.
As it happens, smart guy, I haven't done anything new; however, the
kindly and obviously hip folks at
Steve Jackson Games Daily
Illuminator have chosen us as their first
Illuminated Site of the
Week. (The award has been given a Place of Dishonor between the other
two awards on the home page, if ya wanna see
it -- I made the mistake of loading the What's Really New page over
a 28.8 once, and I then decided that one thing this page doesn't need is
more graphics.)
- And, I really am working on some new stuff -- anyone with a
VRML 2.0 browser can take a look over at the
I'm working on, as well as its
guide. (Ring
his bell to wake him up.) I suggest that anyone without a really fast
machine give this little work-in-progress a pass until such time as I can
figure out how to optimize it a little.
Chaos 50, 3163
- Although we here consider The Backscratching
Page dead for all intents and purposes -- when we checked and found that
over half the links were broken we gave up trying to keep it up to date --
we can't resist requests. Specifically, one Pope Marv Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, JKSC,
from The Discordian Rebel Alliance,
wrote us and asked us if we'd add his page to our Backscratching Page. This
we've done. And if this doesn't get us a humanitarian award, nothing will.
Chaos 15, 3163
Chaos 7, 3163
- And another Happy New Year to y'all.
- It occurred to us during our ever-so-discordant New Year's celebrations
that, while we have been good enough to blaspheme against just about every
religion we could find, we have so far missed blaspheming against our very
own. And we thought, if you can't blaspheme against your own beliefs, whose
can you really blaspheme against? So, after having used the word ``blaspheme''
so many times it lost meaning for us, we cobbled together, in direct violation
of all things chaotic, a HyperDiscordia
Not-Quite-So-Chaotic Search Page. Now you can actually find every reference
to such words as ``Eris'' and ``xyzzy'', and Discordia be damned!
Aftermath 72, 3162
- The editorial staff here recently received a missive -- a rebuttal, if you
will -- regarding Pope Icky Fundament's carefully researched and peer-reviewed
article titled ``A New Calendrical System''. Since the missive was itself
carefully researched and peer-reviewed, we couldn't see chucking it on the
dung heap -- although the thought did cross our minds, apparently en route to
someplace with fewer cobwebs and more sun. Therefore we have added
``Toward A Nonarbitrary Calendar (Or Not)''
by Aquadale Bitty, Chaplain, Generic Discordian Sect, to our Wholly Ritz.
Let this be a lesson to you, kids, that anything you send us might end up
on the Web with your name attached to it for all eternity -- in this case, on
the Perpetual Date Converter Page.
Aftermath 68, 3162
- It is with the utmost glee that I updated the local page dedicated to
Oriental Trading Company so that there
are now pointers to their web page
and online catalog request
form. Oh happy and wondrous day.
- While I was at the OTC site, I snarfed (in direct violation of the stated
Law of the Land) a copy of their logo and dropped it onto HyperDiscordia's
OTC page. Then, spurred on by the lack of law enforcement officials at my
door, I went to the
Illuminet Press page (which has moved a wee bit) and grabbed a scan of
the Principia Discordia to put on our
Aftermath 55, 3162
- After looking at it for quite some time (and having Pope Icky remind me
occasionally of its hoogliness), I finally got rid of the
original image from the
Illuminati page and replaced it with something
slightly less awful. My thanks to Paul
Joiner, who posted one of the only decent
Eye of Horus
images on the web (which, in the Grand Ol' Discordian Tradition, I
shamelessly stole).
Aftermath 53, 3162
Aftermath 45, 3162
Aftermath 44, 3162
- Those of you who were waiting with baited breath to see the final version
of the Mandala are now rewarded for your patience.
(And speaking of patience, the bloody thing took 123 hours to render; thus,
if you really don't like it, please do me the favor of suggesting fixes
after you've given me an
SGI Reality Monster with which to
implement said fixes.)
- A slight change was made (let's hear it for the passive tense, like I didn't
have to crank up vi and actually edit the file) to
the First Church of Jesus Christ, Elvis
to note the publication of the fine and insightful philosophical study
Elvis After Elvis: The Posthumous Career of a Living Legend by the
erudite Gilbert B. Rodman. Not only do three illustrations from this worthy
page appear in said book, but the cover illustration was rendered by none other
than our own Pope Icky. Buy a copy and support the living artist. Buy two
and support him in style.
- Missed in my previous demurkification binges was
Starbuck's Temple -- an oversight now rectified.
I noticed that it was in need of fixing when I put in the link to the
Portable Discordian
Temple page. Yep, you read right -- a portable Discordian
temple; sacred space for the upwardly mobile; holey-ground-on-the-go;
a wallet-sized sanctuary; a veritable pocket parish. The silly-nickname
possibilities alone are endless.
- And for those of you who think we here at HyperDiscordia are as bad as most
Web sites, Icky scribbled out a quick addition to the Apple series of
illustrations, this one for the phrase ``baited breath''. We are above such
things as tpyos.
- Icky, being link-happy today, then added this illustration for certain words
in The Myth of King Midol,
The Biography of Chaplin IM False, and
the Transcendental Terrorists Page.
So much energy for a Monday!
Aftermath 39, 3162
- Having found out how easy it is to demurkify various raytraced images
that I have from time to time taken it upon myself to inflict upon my
audience, I have re-gamma'd the images on the
Punslinger page and the Library of Babel
Aftermath 34, 3162
- I finally got around to moving my self-pitying
gripe off the Mandala page (and, while I was
there, put up a little in-progess version of what will soon be yet another
new Mandala image).
Aftermath 32, 3162
- There are people out there who, seemingly aggravated or amused (or
both) by the proliferation of awards, kudos and Cool/Hot lists, have begun
handing out their own awards, nominations and kudos. Here are the
most recent two that have landed on my doorstep:
- During the recent housecleaning and sprucifying, I found a page which
had not been linked in anywhere (actually, there were somewhere near a
gazillion of them, some of which still linger in the
Beforelife of HTMLdom). It was a (now
very much outdated) bit of information on Joe
Formoso, as I am known among the profane. So, I updated it, linked
it to the front page, and posted it. Not very
interesting, really, but what the Hell.
- I did some work trying to de-murkify some of the various images I
put up. As it happens, all they required was a little fiddling with their
gamma correction. The pages thus far de-muddied are
The Mandala and Saint
Aftermath 23, 3162
- Big changes have been afoot for Ye Olde HyperDiscordia Pages, O brethren
and sistren and cabbageren. Yea, verily, didst we look upon these pages and
feel ill, for, having fixed the first page, and nicely formatted any new pages
as we added them, in the main HyperDiscordia didst languish in much the same
state as when it was first created, lo these three years ago. And it was
hoogly, boys and girls. What was once the very heighth of style and fashion --
horizontal rules, <H1> tags, cubicle-grey backgrounds -- has since fallen
on the dung heap of popluar culture, among such items as Kurt Cobain and
sensible shoes. Never ones to fall too far behind, we expended some effort
over the last few weeks to revamp all the pages, using prayers to the mighty
though fickle god of Perl to add a soothing background color to each and
every page -- free of charge! -- and cleaning up various and sundry layout
fauxes pas. Now we're somewhat more book-like, although no less difficult
to read: The site layout is unchanged. All changes were cosmetic only. But
what cosmetics! -- Cindy Crawford would be pleased.
Bureaucracy 68, 3162
- Since I've been spending time lately refurbishing and improving the
Discordian Calendar page, I figured
I might as well include a little note about the
derivation of that calendar.
Bureaucracy 63, 3162
- Whilst Pope Icky is busily copyediting, the both of
us are also trying to improve the layout of HyperDiscordia pages in general.
This mostly comes down to centering titles, using those keen typesetting
quotes, keeping header sizes up to avoid their actually being smaller
than the surrounding text ... that kind of thing.
However, posting each and every such change is daft, so I shan't. I just
wanted to let you know that, if a couple of pages that are near 'n' dear to
your heart look a little different, you shouldn't worry that you've missed
- I decided that it was high time to get an on-line
Gregorian-to-Erisian date converter
into HyperDiscordia, so this have I done. It's linked in at
the bottom of the Discordian Calendar
Bureaucracy 62, 3162
- THEM have demanded that we alter our
so as to warn the public properly about the hazards involved in perusing
the contents of HyperDiscordia, and
we were only too happy to do so.
Bureaucracy 42, 3162
Well, after remaining untouched for nearly two years as technology passed us
by, we have finally reworked HyperDiscordia's Main Page. We got around to it partly because it was starting to look really
archaic -- it was so 1994 -- and partly so we'd have someplace to put
the new ads. Yes, you read that aright: Following the lead of just about
every other site on the World Wide Web, the Order of the Blunted Sword has
sold out and has begun accepting advertising on HyperDiscordia's front page. By way of
apology, we can only offer the same explanation given by Dogbert for the ads
on the Dilbert Zone:
They give us money. We like money. If this offends some of you, tough tittie.
We're not in the business of making your life a pleasant place to live.
Although, if you paid us enough, we could be.
Bureaucracy 40, 3162
- For those of you who think that there's really no harm in
forwarding that crusty old joke file around to your friends,
think again.
Confusion 59, 3162
- Pope Icky has been copyediting like a madman. We won't bother to list all
the changes here, but rest assured, our Kwality Kontrol Kommittee is working
overtime to bring you the best Website in their power. You'd be hard-pressed
to find a speeling mistake these days.
Confusion 57, 3162
- Yes, indeedy, HyperDiscordia has moved. Again. Unlike many other
moves on the Web these days, though, ours was not prompted by the national
attention we
have received -- like the small blurb for
the First Church of Jesus Christ, Elvis
in the August issue of PC World --
or our registration of a vanity URL. Nay, we are not ones to be moved by such
unworthy motivations. However, we are ones to be moved by the Goode Episkopos
Al's change of employment, resulting in his loss of access to the old site.
The Noble Thudthwacker moved on to greener pastures, yea, pastures what are
papered with the
green stuff; and so HyperDiscordia required a new
home. The people at WestNet were kind
indeed to give us this space, and we thank them. (And so should you. Send
them money.)
We trust that this will result in a renaissance among these pages, as now your
humble editor-of-the-moment, Icky, has much freer access and can play with them
during his all-too-abundant free time. Already he has toyed with:
More changes are certainly imminent and even eminent. Keep your browsers
peeled to this space. What does that mean? Even I have no idea.
Confusion 26, 3162
- I've been looking over some of the older corners of HyperDiscordia,
and I must say there are a few pages that need some overhaulin'. One
particular page, on the pineal gland, had what I would consider quite a
substandard graphic (when Pope Icky told me he thought it ``had charm,''
I knew I had to do something about it -- take a look at the
original page, and see if you don't
agree). As it happens, I had recently learned a little about animated
GIFs, and was itching to add one of the gratuitous, Netscape-specific
(though, as I pointed out to Pope Icky, the ability to animate GIFs has
been in the GIF89a specification since, well, 1989 -- therefore, strictly
speaking, Netscape didn't really stomp on anyone's standards [and
now y'all see the lengths to which I'll go to justify my actions]) little
monsters to one of my pages ... but which one?
Then, like a bolt from the black (if inspiration were as rare as a ``bolt
from the clear blue sky,'' as it is often supposed to be, there would be
even less of it than there is), it occurred to me that the venerable old
Pineal Gland page would be a prime contender for an animated GIF.
Thence, I spent a few days looking for just the right image of a brain
(which is harder to find than one would suppose -- blessings in abundance
on the folks at the University of
Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library for their near-perfect
I spent yet more time with
POVray, and finally with a truly
wonderful utility called
WhirlGIF to make the
final product.
Now, after all that spiel, there is the new, somewhat improved,
Pineal Gland page.
Discord 62, 3162
- Well, inspiration hath struck again, and again I have poked my head
up out of my ostrich hole to see the light of day (in China; I'm one of
them loooong-necked ostriches). Anyway, owing to a wonderful turn of phrase
dropped by Joe
D'Andrea (drummer, raving
Buckminsterfullerian, programmer
and all-around odd person), I now have a page entitled Mudflap in Your Mythology.
Discord 39, 3162
- Wow, talk about going into hiding. Well, I've been working rather
hard on a couple of things in the HyperDiscordia Research and Development
Labs (mu-hu-ha-ha-ha), so I've been kinda busy of late. However, when
pure inspiration strikes, it must needs be attended to.
I therefore give unto you a new sermonella
by the Not-Quite-Right Reverend Doctor N. A. Terata,
``Stolen Holiday.'' I also put a
little image and link on Rev. Dr. N. A. T.'s
``Sermon from my Mouth'' so that
it, too, is marked as being a sermonella.
Well, back into Ye Hole with me fer awhile -- hopefully, my latest
obsession will hit the pages of HyperDiscordia before the month is out
(but then, I was hoping that last month, too).
Chaos 70, 3162
- I made a very insignificant change to the Discordians page, so that you can now get to
a much speedier version of the Jargon File. I make
mention mainly because Pope Icky always yells at me if I change something
in HyperDiscordia without mentioning it in this doc (which is good,
honestly; I mean, asking you, Gentle Reader, to occasionally wander
through the entire bloody thing [and to gratuitously split
infinitives along the way] just in case I've changed a link is
just plain mean-spirited, and I shouldn't be allowed to get away with it).
Chaos 64, 3162
Chaos 59, 3162
- Believe it or not, the Universe of Discourse just dematerialized
again, to where I cannot tell. Should I ever find it again, I'll let
y'all know. Feh.
Chaos 57, 3162
- After much typing, cogitating and raytracing (three days on our SGI
Challenge -- yowza), there is now a page pertaining to the various
mysteries of the
Akashic Records.
Chaos 45, 3162
- I've made changes to several pages in HyperDiscordia to reflect the
fact that The Universe of
Discourse is on line again. It's still a little ragged from the move
from its former home, so a lot of the links haven't been tied down to its
current server (and, therefore, most of the links off the homepage
dangle). However, I'm sure it'll be back up to snuff, and there's a lot
of really, um, interesting stuff there. No, there aren't many (if any)
fancy backgrounds or clickable maps or, Goddess save us all, Java
applets. However, there's some real, live originality, and I'll take that
any day.
Chaos 36, 3162
- My latest labor is an homage to those oft-misunderstood (and often
vilified [and sometimes tarred-and-feathered]) Champions of Eris, the
Chaos 24, 3162
Chaos 22, 3162
Well, my worst fears have been, if not
confirmed, at least deepened to a nice, steady, throbbing paranoia. Just t'day, I received word that
HyperDiscordia has earned the Grand and Much Coveted ``Reviewed by
Magellan'' award (I'm not sure as to precisely why being reviewed is an honor, but hey, who am I
to argue with the Collected Popes at Magellan?), the likeness of which you see hereabouts.
Coming right on the heels of that ``Top 5% of the Web'' thing I got recently, this does
not bode well for Yours Unruly. HyperDiscordia is being pigeonholed,
stamped, labelled and packaged for mass consumption, and I'm sure THEM is behind it. However, I have
No-Faith that Eris
will guard her wayweird son from this horror, and lacking in faith
I have resorted to pleas and sacrifices, just as the philosophers of
old have done in similar situations. I've
just unbent 5 paper clips and placed the jumbled remains, without so much
as a word of explanation, on a coworker's monitor, converting their order
into confusion (you should have seen his face) that the Lady might be
amused. I beseech you all to do likewise, which may not help me any but
will fer sher visit Holey Weirdness on the Minions of Greyface. If you want to make an even larger
sacrifice in my dishonor, check out the
Guerrilla Surrealism primer and examples and sacrifice a whole
rational mind to Eris.
Chaos 3, 3162
- Happy New Year, y'all.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? To steal one from Terry Pratchett,
sodomy non sapiens -- ``Buggered if I know.'' I think it's kinda
neat, personally (which scares me more than a little). Maybe the 'net is
truly hip, and I should be honored (yeah, hip, what with all those funky
AOLers, CompuServitors and Prodigiousities running about). Maybe this
is an indication that I've stagnated beyond hope and should just stop
before I hurt myself. Maybe it's a
fluke -- the opinion of the Thuddite world happening to coincide with the
Erisian Truth (I'd check, but I'm still having trouble getting into the
box.) Maybe,
even, I shouldn't worry about it. Yeah, I think I'll go with that one.
And, on with the show!
Aftermath 48, 3161
- The Ickmeister has been hard at work yet
again (no, not the Backscratching Page -- I was worried it was that,
too). He has uncovered yet another
Greyfacian plot to indoctrinate the human race
with the Dogma of Order -- the Gregorian Calendar system. Ever notice
how we naturally think of things in ``decades'' and ``centuries'' and
suchlike, delimiting our history and very thought processes by numbers
that end in ``0''? Me neither. But Icky did, and boy, is he not
going to stand for it! The Discordian
Calendar of Olde is good for throwing off the Dogma -- when the year
2000 is nothing but a plain ol' 3166 in the Discordian Reckoning, you
just can't be all that impressed with it. Icky, however, went the next
step, fearing that Discordians might fall into the trap by making
Discordian years ending in ``0'' important and thereby
constructing a new (albeit more colorful) straightjacket. He did away
with those pesky numbers altogether in his new Calendrical System.
Aftermath 47, 3161
- I have just posted my latest labor of love, a page in honor of
Andrew, Saint and Martyr, may his memory
burn forever like a chronic hemorrhoid.
Aftermath 43, 3161
- There are, believe it or not, more links up on our
Backscratching Page. Pope Icky, having
typed so much that he wore his fingers down past his elbows and clean up
to his parietal lobe, has shown us that the wages of sin (hubris, in this
case) are, indeed, death. Or at least the inability to remember
calculus. Whatever the case, I probably won't be mentioning the almost
certainly ongoing updates to the BS page (as Icky and I are wont to refer
to it) here. I mean, when all that's new is that you've added another
coupla things to your hotlist, it's best not to call attention to the fact.
Aftermath 40, 3161
- More links on the
Backscratching Page again. I'm going to
have to make a proper thank-you to the Ickmeister for reminding me that I
should make mention of every change that occurs in HyperDiscordia on this
yere page. Maybe something like having his gallbladder grow back, so he
can leave both Sisyphus and Prometheus in the dust.
Aftermath 39, 3161
- Well, Icky has been at it again, so there are yet more entries on the
already ponderous
Backscratching Page. Pope Icky has
likened his task to that of Sisyphus, until I noted that at least
Sisyphus' rock isn't growing at the rate of 30% per month. We have
summarily decided that Sisyphus was a wimp.
Aftermath 27, 3161
- You should all run (don't walk) to your Preference menu and
set up your http proxy to point at www.2d.org:9002 immediately (those
of you who can't use a proxy or already have a proxy that you need to use
to get web access -- sorry). For those interested in what the web will
look like if Greyface takes over, set your
proxy to be www.2d.org:9003. It's little things like this that make me
feel like I should just stop trying to do stuff -- I'm a hack. The guys
that came up with Stupid HTTP Proxy
Tricks... now they're awesome.
- After noting some pretty awesome signs and portents, I made a few
pineal gland inquiries, and rendered forth
this entirely-too-long set of
Numerrillogical Musings.
Aftermath 22, 3161
- Yet more additions have crept onto the
Backscratching Page,
and I've visited yet more sites, and most of them were still pointing at
HyperDiscordia's old home. It seems that HyperDiscordia takes the prize
for look-at-it-once-drop-it-in-your-hotlist-never-visit-it-again site of
the year. Feh.
Aftermath 19, 3161
- Well, Pope Icky has been hard at work (yet, more, still,
unflaggingly) trying to make the
Backscratching Page
as complete as possible. He has unearthed yet more folks who were kind
enough to link to us (though who seem to have grown bored quickly,
because almost none of them noticed when HyperDiscordia closed up shop
and moved to a new town). Once again, I embarked on the Episkopos Al
World Tour to inform our wayward brethren of our new stomping grounds. I
sent mail to almost everyone -- one link, to a dude I know only as
``Petee'' is
slower than the proverbial offal flowing uphill, and, once I got there,
the bugger redirected me to yet another site that my nameserver
couldn't even find. And, of course,
FrogNet remains the Great and Unreachable.
Aftermath 14, 3161
- In the interests of gathering data for no good reason (and to get my
hands a little dirty with
Perl), I have put up a
questionnaire, which you may fill out or not at your discretion and leisure. We
might, someday, make use of the information in some way, but I wouldn't
bet the bank on it.
Aftermath 12, 3161
- The ever-productive Pope Icky has shamelessly stolen a little
to help relieve anxiety (and, since it's plagiarism, I guess that makes
Pope Icky ever-reproductive).
Aftermath 11, 3161
- Well, after about 3 months of work, I've finished some changes to the
page, which now sports a fancy-pants new piece of raytraced silliness,
the aforementioned silliness having both the vice of mediocrity and
the virtue of being done.
Bureaucracy 52, 3161
- The astute of you (those who visit here several times a day and visit
every link [which they set never to expire] so they'll always be immediately
aware of new ones, for example) might have noticed that there's a new
link in the Bureaucracy 49 entry below. You should take a look; Pope
Icky has made a groundbreaking step toward
Popetic Solidarity
by throwing his support and arteestick abilities behind that other
Bureaucracy 49, 3161
- Pope Icky of the Single-Minded Purpose has made it his business to go
and query every bot, worm, crawler and stupidly-long hotlist that he
could find to see just how many people have made some reference to
HyperDiscordia in their web pages. His results have born quite a bit of
as you may see for yourself. O'course, I felt the need to visit these
kindly pages, and found that something over 4/5 of them had links to the
old HyperDiscordia. Thence began my mammoth mail campaign, and Lo! hath
my fixlinks folder become swollen with messages. By comparison, that
other pope is touring the world over the course of several
months. I've been in England, the Netherlands,
Germany and most of the major cities in the US over the last five or so
days. (I quote Pope Icky, whence I lamented my Task to him:
``That sound you hear is the smallest violin in the world, playing for all
Episkopossum.'') To be honest, though, I must give JPII some measure
of respect for planning to
visit Newark,
surely the ultima Thule of
Christendom. Those of you who have received my
mail and made the change requested -- thanks. And, on with the show.
Bureaucracy 37, 3161
- I have recently been pointed at an on-line copy of
Kerry Thornley's
over at the
web site. The site seems most worth browsing through; go 'head, I'll
still be here when you get back.
Bureaucracy 35, 3161
- I just found a(nother)
home page
for the
Universal Life Church,
which has a link off to an
On-Line Ordination Page,
which will even provide you with an ordination certificate that you can
print out (an on-the-fly PostScript-writin' Pope Card page is now in the
works, of course, but dunna hold yer breath).
Bureaucracy 31, 3161
Bureaucracy 11, 3161
- Pope Icky has taken out ye olde toolbox and done a heavy
reworking of his critically acclaimed
Nosepicking Page.
It has been heavily Netscapificated, so at the moment it
sticks out like a sore thumb, though I've been doing a wee
bit of Netscapification m'self (I have thus far not caved in
to the multicolor background thing, but I fear that I might
weaken. If I do, you have my permission to hunt me down and beat
me to death with a rubber chicken).
Confusion 69, 3161
- I just put up my newest
attempt at art,
which is a variation
on that ol' standby,
Starbuck's Pebbles.
It's not the
greatest thing in the world (or even a close second, for that
matter), but I was getting depressed at just how much wasn't
happening on HyperDiscordia of late. Better to fart a little
tune than to bitch about the quiet, I always say.
Confusion 31, 3161
Discord 49, 3161
- Well, if you're reading this, then you probably know that this is a
new home for
What you may not know is that all the docs on the old server now point
here (that way, people who have links to stuff in HyperDiscordia won't
get the annoying ``URL Not Found 404'' error, but rather something of
actual use. I know this sounds like rational behaviour, and for
that I apologize. For what it's worth, the old server will probably be
going off-line without warning some time in the next month, so there is
a wee bit of madness lying in wait behind the method).
Discord 43, 3161
- I made a couple of additions to the
Hammers of Bonking
page, so there is now color and sound.
Discord 41, 3161
- During my meanderings across the Web, I found a
home page for the ULC
(the authors of which thought it was the only one, silly boys that they are
[predictably, one of the aforementioned authors is a Keeper of the
Sacred Chao
{though they are both, of course, popes}]) which nicely complements
(and, once they get their link to us added, compliments)
- This weekend, the wife of Pope Icky Fundament managed to
single-handedly found
two philosophies
and, at the same time, head-off a
potential disaster for Aristotelian metaphysics. For this she should be
noted, if not commended.
Discord 28, 3161
- Just to show off some new toys, I have a page with a brief treatment on
Discord 10, 3161
Discord 9, 3161
Discord 6, 3161
- And, living up to his monicker, Pope Icky offers this
succulent nugget.
- Since I can't leave offensive enough alone, either, I have added
my own touch
to the latter of the below mentioned Ickyworks.
Discord 2, 3161
- Not one to leave offensive enough alone, the ever-pungent Pope Icky has
executed not
more works of art (for which he may yet be executed, if the Holy Rolling Pin
Housewife Brigade ever catches up with him), which has been incorporated into
Elvis page.
Chaos 73, 3161
- Pope Ghephe of the Infinite Spellings, All High Grand Revered Whoozits of
Church of OTIS,
has just this morning written to me to tell me that Lo! they've got a
Web site
and a
gopher site
for your browsing pleasure. Get on over there and look around; there is Neat
StuffTM about.
Chaos 62, 3161
- Lo, the Goode Pope Icky has grown exceeding bored of picking off sacred
cows one at a time, and has decided that two at once is much more
sporting. With any luck, this will offend anyone who loves the
whichever one they happen to worship.
Chaos 54, 3161
- The Goode Pope Icky forwarded me some mail he received and Lo!, the
Illuminet Press,
who I've been Cyberpimping for for the longest time, now has their very own
web page.
Chaos 31, 3161
Chaos 23, 3161
Aftermath 50, 3160
- Happy Afflux, y'all! Lo, the Sacred last 23 days of Aftermath are upon us,
bringing us to a new year of renewed Chaos!
- I've added a little thing on the Lyrians, a sect
of Gnostics who seem to have been lost (or lost themselves) in antiquity. Of
course, Eris forgets none of Her children, as is evidenced by the hidden
reference to the Lyrians in Lord Omar's
Honest Book of Truth.
Aftermath 8, 3160
- Nothing of overwhelming interest, but I added a couple of links off to the
entry for
in the on-line version of Ambrose Bierce's
Devil's Dictionary
and links off to a
page (which should not be confused with the Grinning Idiot Press
article, rendered forth here way back in Confusion). When cruising
HyperDiscordia, the ``meme'' pointers go off to one or the other with very little
rhyme or reason (as it should be).
- Let the news ring forth to the Queendom of Discord that, on this coming
Pungenday, Aftermath 11, I, Episkopos Aloysius Thudthwacker, am to wed. If you
would, please do us the honor of going out and doing something silly on that
Aftermath 1, 3160
- Well, here it is, a whole nuther Season, and high time that I got off my
butt. HyperDiscordia has been languishing (``not like a debutante in a hot
tub in a cheap motel, but like an astronaut in orbit with no oxygen,'' as Pope
Icky pointed out in one of his missives to me). I therefore sheepishly put
forth a short schtick on
which visited itself upon me today.
Bureaucracy 33, 3160
Bureaucracy 15, 3160
- I decided to let the cat out of the bag about
free will;
I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone who might be using it for a scam.
Bureaucracy 10, 3160
- The dearly de-parted Pope Icky (who finally has his schtick together [ew]),
who is getting paid large shekels to cruise the Web, has discovered
Liber Nonsequitoria,
which is utterly, divinely weird.
- I was recently informed (by the ever-famous MJD) that
Mad Hatter Day
is fast approaching, and will arrive on October 6th (Bureaucracy 64 for those
of you following the
One True Calendar,
buy the whey [homonyminal advertising; call it a hobby]).
Bureaucracy 3, 3160
Bureaucracy 2, 3160
- A rather interesting view of
Jesus Christ
has been called to my attention.
- Pope Icky, though gone, continues to be a presence
here (and, it is rumored, where he actually is, though I can find very
little corroboration; all I get is e-mail, and ANYONE can fake THAT). Yet
another doodle has been entered, this one for
Confusion 63, 3160
- In a package of stuff recently sent to me by the ever-popular
Chaplin IM False
was an article on
the Discordian elements
taken from a Neopagan perspective.
- Let us all wish Pope Icky Fundament a fond farewell -- he has left our
little island of insanity for the greener pastures of Prodigy, where he will
help them get up speed so they can make a precarious leap and cling by their
fingernails to the back of the Internet bandwagon; in less flowery prose, he's
helping them set up an FTP site and a WWW site so that they can emerge,
kicking and screaming, in the 80's (what they'll do when they find out that
the party has left without them is up for speculation).
Confusion 53, 3160
Confusion 43, 3160
is 100% recovered from its bout of nonexistence, thanks largely to the efforts
of Pope John Paul George Ringo I, resident Unix dude.
Confusion 42, 3160
- I modified
ever so slighty to allow me to add a link to
a hypertextified guide to the wonders of that most ancient and wondrous of
cities, Hoboken (as an aside, the ``Hoboken?! Oooh, I'm dyyyyin'!'' line is
extraordinarily unoriginal [I mean, beating a dead horse is one thing, but this
is more like abusing a bottle of glue] and, more importantly, incorrect. What
Bugs actually said at that point in the cartoon was ``Hoboken?! Oooh, I'm
dyyyin' again!''). It's not all the way available right now due to ``disk
problems'' caused by a rogue rm command. The command has been caught and the
abetting fingers chastized, so we don't expect a repeat occurrence.
Confusion 41, 3160
Confusion 40, 3160
- Pope Icky finally finished Book
Two of the Lives of the Saints.
- For reasons beyond all understanding [I got bored. --Icky] there
have been linked in, in various places in HyperDiscordia, images dealing with
5 o'clock,
brain washing,
and dinner.
Confusion 33, 3160
- The fever is a-catchin', children of Chaos. There was a sighting of the
proper use of the
Sacred Hammer of Bonking
in the rather unlikely location of Oporto,
Confusion 32, 3160
- The Pentabarf Page was updated to include a
link to a section from
Lord Omar's introduction to the
Principia (recently acquired) in order to include a
piece resulting from Pope Icky Fundament's playing
with a pen, a flatbed scanner and some drawing software [Some people should
not be allowed to play with computers. --Icky].
Confusion 28, 3160
Confusion 25, 3160
- On Suicide, a brief note, was added in the
depths of some obscure link.
- A further philosophical conundrum
was added, for no good reason [actually, it was because Thudthwacker let
me. -- Icky].
Confusion 21, 3160
- I found another dialogue lying around in my head, and decided that I'd
put up a new-and-disapproved
Confusion 18, 3160
- I've applied the ever-famous
Law of Fives
to create a kind of Socratic dialogue (actually, I'm sure Socrates would find
it excessively unkind, but hey, that's show business) on
The Five Ages of Man.
Confusion 7, 3160
- There is now Lobias Fogcutter's
Semiautobiographical Exposition on Memes
available to all (also included is the address of his electronic publishing
house, the Grinning Idiot Press. He distributes all his bookware on
plain old 5 1/4" low-density floppies as text files with integral browsing
software. It's decidedly lo-tek, but hey, so is sex. Write him; he's cool.
Confusion 1, 3160
- I updated my
Treatise on Rants
to include a brand-spanking new
from the recently reconverted (reconstituted?) Pope Hilarity J. Blinkstein.
Discord 64, 3160
Discord 58, 3160
- Though it isn't very good (hey, you see what you can do with
a LogiTech® ScanManTM and a grainy color photograph [©®ud]), there is
now a picture to accompany
Ol' Sam's Biography.
Discord 45, 3160
Discord 42, 3160
Discord 31, 3160
- I've incorporated a couple of pictures from the Principia,
obtained as GIFs from the
FTP site at Lysator
(may the Admin's camels be quintupally blessed) into the
HyperDiscordia Home Page
(which you've probably seen already, but you'd be surprised what some people
will point remote links at) and the
Law of Fives
document. (Not very interesting, I guess, but the What's Really New
page was looking a little sparse. Didn't want y'all to think I was asleep at
the switch or nuthin'.)
25, 3160